RCM resource roundup: Activating AI for prior authorization + denial prevention

Artificial intelligence (AI) is becoming increasingly essential in the healthcare revenue cycle.

Recent research shows that 92% of healthcare leaders cite AI and advanced automation as a top investment priority in 2025, particularly within patient access.

The reason is clear: 60% of RCM leaders say denials caused by errors in front-end, patient access processes are their top denial pain point — with the prior authorization space accounting for 39.7%. Therefore, investing in prevention is critical, and AI is proving to be the key.

In this blog, we dive deep into data, research, and real success stories to explore how healthcare teams are using AI for prior authorization — to ensure accuracy from the start.


Get up to speed on AI + GenAI healthcare payments

Unpacking AI + GenAI in RCM

Get a simple explanation of the evolution of AI from machine learning to neural networks. Then, learn what AI and GenAI can do, from generating claim rules and appeals to monitoring payer behavior.

Read blog | Watch video 

Modern Healthcare + Waystar report on AI + its ROI 

To thrive, revenue cycle teams must leverage AI. But how are successful organizations doing it? What are the barriers to entry? And what’s the ROI? This comprehensive study offers answers.

Download study | Read blog | Watch webinar on demand 

Report: Examining AI adoption + ROI in healthcare payments

AI + GenAI email bootcamp

If you know you need to learn more about AI and GenAI but can’t find the time, join our bootcamp. We’ll deliver 1 email per week for 5 weeks in your preferred track:

Our beginner track (101) includes content like:

  • A quick guide to AI, predictive analytics, and related terms
  • 5 ways teams are successfully using AI in their revenue cycle today
  • A simple explanation of generative AI and what it can do in RCM

Our intermediate track (201) includes a:

  • Primer on GenAI from Waystar’s Chief Technology Officer
  • Panel of experts discussing how to safeguard data while using GenAI
  • Hospital discussing how they used AI to hit metrics like a 98%+ clean claim rate


5 sessions on using AI in prior authorization + denial prevention

1. Hospital uses AI to boost revenue + slash denials

Hear directly from the leaders of Cincinnati Children’s Hospital about how they’re using AI to improve financial processes, make decisions, craft appeals, and eliminate 80% of manual work.

Watch now

Presentation screen showing Cincinnati Children’s Hospital webinar session talking about how they’re using AI for prior authorization and ai-driven denial prevention while eliminating 80% of manual work.

2. Diving into denial prevention with AI, appeals + more 

Unlock a comprehensive plan for denial management and prevention that includes creating cleaner claims, responding to denials with data, and using AI to keep improving.

Watch now 

3. Q+A: How 1 health system overcame burnout + streamlined authorizations 

Prior authorization processes are tedious and demanding. Learn how Lehigh Valley Health Network centralized authorization with AI and automation — saving 6,000 hours overall.

Watch now 

4. Securely leverage AI + machine learning to elevate performance 

When 75% of health systems report positive ROI from AI investments, you need to know how they’re getting these results. Unlock specifics and learn how to do it all using best-practice security frameworks.

Watch now 

5. Q+A: Ask the revenue cycle experts — Claims, denials, AI + more 

What are most revenue cycle professionals concerned about today? Watch this recording of our Q+A for answers about everything from denials and prior authorization to the future of AI.

Watch now 



Streamline authorizations + implement AI-driven denial management

4 strategies to help your team + patients break through the billing haze 

Explore tactics to enhance patient financial care, learn what to look for in automation and AI so your team can do more with less, and dig into case studies like Piedmont, an organization that:

  • Automated 77% of manual AR follow-up work
  • Increased point-of-service payments by 30%
  • Generated $10+ million in payment lift

Read now 

Crack the code: Recover more revenue with AI-powered charge capture 

Discover methods for using AI and predictive analytics to improve charge capture, avoid underpayments resulting from inaccurate DRG assignments, and explore this technology in action by seeing how Aultman:

  • Reduced costs by $3.3 million using AR automation
  • Rebilled $5.9 million in missing charges
  • Automated 25,000 AR transactions per month

Read now 


Activate advanced automation for prior authorization

Waystar Authorization Manager streamlines workflows, reduces manual work, and — with the introduction of Auth Accelerate — speeds up approvals so organizations like Prisma Health work smarter and get meaningful results faster. 

To learn how your team can minimize rework and maximize results, schedule a demo today.

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