Three benefits of switching to electronic claim attachments

One of the biggest strains on the healthcare industry remains its reliance on paper and manual processes. The combination often adds up to human errors and costly denials, which require exponentially more time and resources to resolve, if left unchecked.

Among the manual processes most challenging to manage is claim attachments, which demand considerable time for teams to review requirements, collect and send necessary documentation and complete follow up procedures. According to the CAQH Index, the medical industry spent $590M annually exchanging attachments, with some providers spending anywhere between 10 to 30 minutes manually submitting an attachment to a payer.

An electronic claim attachments solution bolsters efficiency, strengthens cash flow and significantly reduces AR days. If you’re considering how such a solution could benefit your healthcare organization, read on to learn about three key areas it can improve.

1. Simplify document + data exchange with payers

Despite technological advancements, providers still face a complex, manual environment for payer document and data exchange. Electronic claim attachments can help ease long-standing friction points between providers and payers by automating supporting documentation submission. It’s a win-win for providers and payers as workflow efficiency can be maximized and claims adjudicated more swiftly and correctly.

2. Support frictionless and remote workflow

Processing claim attachments becomes exponentially more time consuming and expensive because of its paper-based nature and the need to keep up with ever-changing payer rules and requirements. Shifting to electronic claim attachments can provide flexibility to ensure your billing team can continue to operate effectively even in disruptive times. It not only saves time and money each day but it’s also proved critical during events like COVID-19, allowing a divided workforce to still get the job done.

3. Reduce cost to collect

Not all clearinghouses are created equal—the right partner fervently seeks opportunities for staff to work smarter, not harder. Automation and scale are key elements to not only maximize efficiency and accuracy but also reduce a provider’s cost to collect.

Although electronic attachment adoption remains low, there’s considerable benefit to implementation. While electronic transactions for claim attachments have not yet been federally mandated, the 2020 CAQH Index found the medical industry could save over $377M per year, helping organizations protect their bottom lines and provide more affordable care to their patients and communities.

Wrapping it up: taking the smarter approach to submitting attachments

Providers are all under cost and reimbursement pressure and the need for smarter, purpose-built automation is the secret sauce for remaining in the black. Electronic claim attachments are a simple way to take administrative waste out of your processes, prevent costly denials, and accelerate cash flow, all the while supporting a remote workforce.

Want to learn how Claim Attachments from Waystar can help your team work smarter and get reimbursed more quickly and accurately? Click here to learn more.

Find this post helpful? Check out “Medical claims clearinghouse: must-have qualities.”


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