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Fact Sheet

Authorization Manager for ambulatory providers

Waystar’s Authorization Manager software reduces claim denials upfront while alleviating administrative burdens of manually checking the status, payers, and websites to verify if prior authorizations are required.

Fact Sheet


Waystar AltitudeAI™ is purpose-built to automate work, prioritize tasks, and eliminate errors. Pervasive across the end-to-end software platform, our AI solutions drive efficiency and yield meaningful results for healthcare providers.

Fact Sheet

Auto Eligibility + Auto Coverage Detection

To get claims right and prevent more denials upfront, you must integrate AI, automation, and robust data into your revenue cycle. Waystar gives you what you need to prevent more denials — with less effort.

Fact Sheet

Eligibility Verification

Waystar leverages purpose-built automation to access complete benefit information with real-time eligibility verification.

Fact Sheet

Authorization Referral Status

Waystar’s Referral Status streamlines the referral process for your staff, creating a better patient experience and reducing financial risk.


Cracking the code: 3 ways to recover more revenue with AI-powered charge capture

Implementing AI charge capture strategies can help hospitals and health systems claim millions in missing revenue.