EOB conversion + payer lockbox
Simpler EOB processing + a safer medical lockbox
In EOB processing, automation is paramount. With the right 835-remittance solution, you can eliminate manual, error-prone EOB processing — for good.
EOB Conversion + Payer Lockbox
Processing paper checks from payers creates an unnecessary time burden for providers
When your staff uses Waystar's EOB conversion to reconcile payments and our medical lockbox to post them, you'll start saving money and time. What’s more, your staff will have more time to focus on higher value tasks, like ensuring your patients are getting the best experience possible.
Automate payments, eliminate hassle
Digitize deposits
- Route mail from payers to a dedicated, digital HIPAA-compliant lockbox
- Image and index all correspondence, checks, statement stubs, and electronic remittance advice (ERAs)
- Transform checks into ACH transactions and deposit into bank accounts
Convert + map
- Convert paper remittance advice into electronic transactions (835 remittances)
- Match newly digital ERAs and payments to deposits and claims for payer payments
Automate workflows
- Obtain posted files for payer payments to import into HIS or PM
- Automatically reconcile and post payments
- Facilitate quick searches forindividual ERA, deposit, and date
Automate EOB processing + medical lockbox
Takes digital images and indexes all checks and documents
Electronically deposits payments into accounts in two business days or less
Auto-reconciles claims, deposits + ERA for payer payments
Converts paper remittance advice into electronic remittance advice
Why Waystar?
With Waystar’s 835 remittance, paper is the past
Our paperless EOB processing not only eliminates data-entry errors that create unnecessary work, but it also increases transparency by indexing paper EOBs so you can easily access historical data electronically.
With conversion capabilities and searchable data all in one platform, your organization has a single source of truth to work from. Use it to:
Increase efficiency by removing the manual EOB processing
Streamline workflows by accessing all ERAs in one place
Create stability by reallocating resources for more valuable work