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11 top causes of denials — and how to fix them

In this playbook, you’ll get a detailed look at the top denials — along with strategies to resolve, prevent, and automate that work in the future. Take a deep dive into denials, examining where they most frequently originate as well as strategies to stay ahead of them.

Case Study

Renown Health

Health system improves patient financial care + payments


How to increase patient collections + loyalty with a data-driven approach

When you use analytics for better financial care, you’ll drive patient engagement — and significantly improve your profit margin.


HFMA research + insights on denials in healthcare

Take a deep dive into denials, examining where they most frequently originate to the latest research and strategies to stay ahead.

Fact Sheet

DRG Anomaly Detection

Diagnosis Related Group (DRG) reviews are complex and resource intensive. A successful DRG detection program hinges on cutting-edge technology coupled with a team of industry experts identifying actionable accounts generating otherwise lost revenue.


HMA report: Investment in patient financial experience key to revenue improvement

In partnership with the Health Management Academy (HMA), Waystar has compiled the latest healthcare market research and insights from leading health systems (LHS) about the current state of the patient financial experience.